LifeGuard Training

We provide monthly in-service training to keep your lifeguard skills sharp and lifeguards ready to respond.

Starguard Elite Lifeguard Training

One of the fastest growing lifeguard training agencies world wide. There are many reasons that park districts, aquatic facilities, waterparks and educational institutions are choosing the StarGuard Elite program to train lifeguard staff:

Experiential approach to learning.

Competency is developed through a holistic learning experience in which practical skills are integrated throughout the program.

Focus on professionalism and accountability: The Starguard program teaches behaviours and skills to help lifeguards reduce risk and be at their best and ready to take action in the event of an emergency. Infrequent responders must be properly prepared to respond – emotionally and technically.

Blended approach training option with online course covers all the key points of essential knowledge; when paired with a scenario-based, hands on training session, it creates a competent and confident lifeguard. The efficient use of facility space and instructor time helps reduce training expenses, thus saving time and money. 

We provide monthly in-service training to keep your lifeguard skills sharp and lifeguards ready to respond.

We also run courses for hotels, facility management companies, corporations, security companies, schools and institutions, sports clubs…and more. 

StarGuard Elite Credentials

StarGuard Elite is one of five USA nationally and internationally recognised  certification agencies and is on the approved list from Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council for occupational lifeguards. Al Mahara Diving Center is an authorised SGE training center and also on the approved ADQCC list of training/assessment agencies.